"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

him vs. her

Okay so Zach and I are going on seven years. Can you believe that!? So awesome!

We were still newly weds when we became pregnant with our first baby. We had Ben 10 months after we were married.
I quit my job two weeks before the due date, we had Ben, I was young women's president, newly at home and struggling to adjust. New mommy hood didn't come naturally to me. Zach was finishing his B.A., teaching seminary part time and working full time. We both had a lot going on, but very different things.

At that time I still remember sitting in Relief Society on Sunday -I can't remember the lesson, I can only remember one of the comments that was made. This cute sister said, "there is no use comparing. You are both totally different and your roles are so different. Just don't compare, it accomplishes nothing". Okay, that might not be the exact words but I have never forgotten the message.

I have found that when I am comparing what Zach has going on, to what I have going on, I have no sympathy for him. It's true! He says he's tired and I automatically start thinking, "you're tired, you don't even know what tired is! I have nursed this baby a million times in the last 24 hours! Not to mention taking care of the other two kids! Don't start whining to me buddy!" :)

I am sure you can relate! I tell ya though, when I get a handle on my thinking and I remember that his responsibilities are different than mine and just because I'm tired doesn't mean no one else can be! It doesn't need to be a competition. We can really both be tired and I can resolve to help him get to bed earlier and that means I can get some more z's too.

The apple: don't compare! or at least stop comparing when you realize you are. Look at where he is coming from and forget about you.


Melanie said...

SUCH good advice. It is hard not to do! I think I am the worst at this...so I must become the best!

randishea said...

Cute picture and good post. I will have to keep that in mind.

Becky said...

Cute picture!! This is great advice to remember. I think its too easy to compete with your spouse. But we should be in it together!
p.s. My word verification is "outeat." Totally fitting for me :)

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