"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, December 9, 2013

what you can give

the other day i was talking with a friend about how we both wished we didn't have to be so busy in december.  we both wanted to be able to enjoy the month more.

the thing is, there wasn't too much that we would give up.  we wanted to go to the parties and see friends and family.  we wanted to go to concerts and shows, see the lights in various places,  give gifts, make yummy food -eat it,  share it, plan or help put on bigger parties and serve others.  these were things we wanted to do.

how do you do all that and not be busy?  maybe it isn't the busyness that is the problem. (in most cases.  i do realize we can't be more than one place at a time and we all have our limits)  maybe it is a frame of mind.  maybe it is simply learning how to keep calm, breathe and do the things we want to do.  if we want to go somewhere with our family, don't make it a negative memory by yelling.  simply take the extra two minutes to help them find their shoes and put them on.  -a quote from a wall at my cabin, "there is always time enough for courtesy".

i know i can recall at least, several Christmases that i felt discontent with what i couldn't give.  not enough of ____ (fill in the blank with: time, (to make it), money, (to buy it), creativity, (to think of it) or talent (to actually do it).
this discontentment and frustration has gotten me more than once.  it can be hard to pull yourself out of that feeling...especially if you let it stay.

we want to enjoy this time of year.   what can you give?  you can give, you.  that is something that those around you really want.  i've looked at my kids playing games and told them just a minute, plenty of times.  not to say that i always need to stop and play or that they have to help me in the kitchen every time.  i do think that we need to make sure we do, do those things.

i know that my husband would really love to have a non frazzled wife for Christmas.  i read an article a week or so ago that talked about saying no to things if they are going to make you yell.  i liked that.  if something is going to put you over the edge, don't do it.  if you can manage to keep a positive attitude and be chill about it, carry on!

i know that i'll still buy gifts and still go to parties.  since that conversation, i'll just go about it with a different attitude, remembering this season of all seasons is really about people, showing love and kindness, like the Savior would.

1 comment:

kate said...

This is perfectly lovely, Becca, and just what I needed to read this morning. Thank you!

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