"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

don't get out much?

This is just my opinion. I think that what you do for your date isn't as important as having a date. Stated plainly, don't stress so much about what you are going to do. Just figure out how you are going to get out of your house with just the two of you!

Here are two suggestions:

Babysitter swap. If you have friends that live close by that have kids close to the same age as your kids, then take turns watching the kids. My older sister does this and it works well. Three couples each take a turn every three months. So, when it is my sisters month, the other two couples bring their kids over to her house and they talk off and do their date for a couple hours. My sister just orders pizza and the kids have a party. The kids love it, the parents get out once a month, so everybody wins!

If you have no other way to sneak an overnighter in every now and again, you could enlist these same friends for help. An overnighter could be at your own house. Yes, it is totally different being at your house without the kids there! Amazing the difference. :)
Maybe do the babysitter swap for a while, let the kids get used to the friends houses. After some time, and you all feel comfortable, just go over there at bedtime, put your kids to bed and then go home without any kids! Come back in the morning and pick them up! Obviously, this will only work if your kids sleep through the night. We do want to keep our friends. :)

These dates are definitely deposits in the love bank! Make a date out, AT LEAST once a month, a priority!

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