"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

a very important date

I sat down to make a post this morning and what comes to mind, but the rabbit from Alice and Wonderland. I tried to get a picture of it and my computer wouldn't cooperate. So, maybe later.

As you well know, I am an advocate for the "little" things. But I am a believer that dates are very important. I know life happens and we can't do big things all the time. If you haven't set a specific day for date night, that is a good place to start. I knew a couple once that Thursdays was there day. He worked on weekends and Thursdays was best. The plus for them was they could always get a babysitter. It wasn't mutual night and they didn't have much competition. :)

What to do this weekend?

Here is a free one: go to the library/book store or an art exhibit. About 3 years ago Zach and I went to an art exhibit and it made the biggest impact on us. The artist had traveled to Africa and had painted various pictures of the people. Oh my, I will NEVER forget it! Incredible.
I thought the library one sounded fun. Look at books of places you want to go or find a recipe book for the country your spouse served their mission, check it out and try something. The library is super fun! I could spend hours there!

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