"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The right words...

Sometimes I struggle to find the right words to say...

It occurred to me in sacrament meeting today that when we need help finding the right words we can look to the Spirit of the Lord, His Prophet, the scriptures and to the Hymns.

While looking at a beautiful picture of the Savior at church today, the words to "Lord, I would follow Thee" came to my mind. Now those are some awesome words for a prayer!

About two years ago things at Zach's work were a little interesting. I was concerned about a relationship of his with a guy in his office. From the outside looking in it seemed like this guy was trying to take advantage of Zach in forming a partnership. Whenever Zach talked to me about this, red flags were flying in my mind! The way I felt was...sick.

I did a lot of pondering and praying about this. No man wants to be told what to do. This I know. But I also felt like I needed to say something. I was nervous and worried about how Zach would take it.

After a lot of thought, I knew what I needed to say. Now, another important detail was finding the right time. I did a lot of praying. I specifically remember one night after the kids were in bed, we were out working in our garage. I was thinking about the words I had planned to say and every time I went to open my mouth, I got a pit in my stomach. The whole night this happened and I never said anything. I don't remember when exactly I ended up talking to Zach about it. I did though. I felt the Spirit help me through this conversation and I felt that support. Zach listened and didn't feel attacked. Looking back on this experience I am so grateful for guidance. For the influence of the Holy Ghost. And for a husband who listens to me. He didn't end up forming the partnership and isn't even in contact with this guy anymore. He completely severed the relationship. He began to see what I saw and didn't like it either.

I will be the first to say that I don't always listen when the Spirit warns me not to say or do something. I can tell immediately when I start talking and the Spirit leaves. Sad, but true.
How grateful I am though, for repentance. For the Atonement. For opportunities to try again. We have good and bad experiences so that we can learn. And I know that if we search for them, and when the time is right, we will say the right words.

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