"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Picture THIS!-giveaway!

You could win a canvas wrap for posting a comment telling why being married is so awesome AND an "Apple" you like to do or give your spouse!

Example. Being married to Zach is so awesome because he warms up our bed for me at night and lets me put my cold feet on his legs! :) The "apple" I like to do for Zach most often is leave him notes telling him how awesome he is and how I appreciate him taking such good care of me.

Okay, so there you go! Isn't this cute?! Our good friends at Kimo's wanted to support our blog by doing this giveaway! Thank you!!!
Make your comment by Thursday night and I'll announce the winner Friday morning! Good luck!


Rip Curl Mom said...

Being married to Ross is awesome because he makes me feel so loved every single day. I think a lot of days I don't make it so easy on him and yet, he continues to give anyway.
The apple I like to do is this: he works from home so if I am home between either breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner, I like to make him a little snack/treat to tide him over. I plate it and make it look cute and then surprise him in his office with it. He may not realize it, but I do that so he will know that I am always thinking about him and how to bring him happiness.
Becca, I love your face! You are so great!

The Miche's said...

I love being married to Tim because... well I have lots of reasons he always is willing to hold my hand, he loves to hold me at night as we fall asleep, he works so hard to provide for us by going to school Full-time and working full-time. One thing I do for Tim to let him know I love him is put notes in his dinner and will play video games with him!

Dave said...

Being married is so awesome because you always have someone there for you. To care what you're doing and how you feel. the best part is getting to be with your best friend everyday! My favorite apple is sending love notes in the snail mail to his work. I know he's usually the one who gets all the letters and there's a little surprise in it for him! (Note:I never thought to do this until Becca suggested it!)

Michelle said...

That last comment wasn't Dave it was Michelle, woops! I didn't realize I was signed into his account.

Tamina said...

I love being married because Jon is really good to help me with kids and stuff around the house so I don't have to do everything all by myself. :) My favorite apple...I try to ALWAYS say "I love you" and give him a kiss when he leaves for work or gets home from work.

kate said...

caleb is my rock! i am always running running running from one obligation to another and he is the steady, dependable force keeping our life together. he can do anything! dishes, bum changes, laundry, building things for our home. all the while attending school full time. amazing! my apple is that i try to do anything i can to make his life easier. if i see the lawn needs to be mowed i will go and do it so that he will have more time to study. i am WORKING on making sure he gets fed a well-thought-out meal every evening because i know how much he appreciates that. thanks for the super fun giveaway, i love your blog so much!

Rach said...

Matt is the best...because he makes me laugh constantly and tells me my life would be boring without him (which is true). The apple I do is writing notes to tell him how awesome he is and putting them in different spots so he can find them.

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