"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring Giveaway!

It's springtime (on the calendar anyway) and Kathrin Paul Photography wants to take YOUR picture! (she took ours and we LOVE them!) To kick off the "photo season" Kathrin is doing a GIVEAWAY! If you are chosen, you will receive:

**Family sitting (up to 20 people)
**2 digital disks with all images

To enter, just leave a comment about when the last time was you had your family picture taken! Don't forget to leave a contact email! I know for some, it has been too long! That will not determine who I choose, I promise to make it random. The deadline to enter will be Monday, May 30th at midnight! Check the blog Tuesday morning to see who the winner is!


Rip Curl Mom said...

Oh my gosh it has been like 5 years. We are such slackers! I would love to win this :)

Becky said...

We had ours last fall, but they didn't turn out how I'd like. It seems I'm always pregnant when I want cute pictures taken. So, after this baby comes I want some done!

ross Walker said...

We had a few photos of the boys taken (like 2 years ago i think), but photos with all 5 of us it has been WAAAY to long. If I win I even promise to smile ( a little) in the photo.

kate said...

what a good lookin family you have there! (just wanted to say that, no giveaway entrance since i doubt she travels to pittsburgh.) :)

JulieBelle said...

i want to enter! (am i allowed? i'm not married! but i do have quite the family!)

we had family pictures taken a bazillion years ago (and about 6 or 10 babies ago) so we are in desperate need of an update. d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-e.



Matt and Alissa said...

It has been almost 4 been 3 years since we had our last professional family portrait. We would love to win.

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