"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"come back"

Once upon a time when I was a new mother I read a lot of books about children, schedules, etc. Well, I remember reading that a schedule is like an elastic. You establish the schedule and then when you go on vacation or you have a lot going on and it gets screwed up, or stretches like an elastic, you come home and get back into your schedule just like the elastic comes back to it's regular shape.

I've been thinking about how marriage is kind of like that. Life gets hard, busy, etc. We get stretched out and sometimes distant with each other. When it is minor we don't really notice it and then all of a sudden we realize we aren't talking as much, flirting as much and flat out aren't enjoying our time together as much. The key is to clue in on the things that help us "come back" to our original shape.
Zach and I talked about this the other night. There are things that help us "come back" that make a huge difference.
The biggest one is praying together every night holding hands. This helps us come back in a powerful way.
Other things on the list are:
*going on a date
*going to the Temple
*going for a walk
*playing a game together
*doing a project together
*a quality conversation without distractions -no phones, t.v. or children

It seems the more we do of the above things, other things come more naturally. Things like notes in his lunch, a hug and a kiss when he comes home, flirting, laughing, and general enjoyment being together.

What are some things you do that help you and your spouse "come back" together?
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