"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

since gratitude is in style and all...

You might have the tradition of summing up all your blessings in one document at the end of the year and storing it away...on your blog, in your journal or something. and then again, you might not.
Tonight I was writing a Christmas letter to send to my brother in Norway. I got kind of carried away telling him all the ways we have been blessed and well, I quite liked writing it all!

So, I thought I'd submit the idea to you. I have written Zach and our kids letters and given them on Christmas but I thought I would write them all a letter this year for Thanksgiving. Another idea that we have done and are currently doing is a gratitude book. It is a three ring binder and we all draw pictures of things we are grateful for to put in it. I love the Spirit I feel when we do it all together.

I am feeling the holiday rush right now so I am headed off to plan my week so it doesn't run away with me! I hope your week is wonderful!!!

so, did you go on a date? we did! Logan Temple, lunch at Arby's and a quick trip to Walmart. :) We also watched Midway to Heaven. Have you seen that?! I cried and laughed. Good show!
What did you do?


kate said...

What a wonderful idea! I think a gratitude binder is going to be starting at our house this year. Thanks B!

kkupfer said...

We did, we watched a movie and had cheesecake. I also wrote a letter To kevin, thanking him. Good weekend.

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