"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

what we all want...

Did you ever see that movie with Will Smith called "The Pursuit of Happiness"? I did. I watched it because the title intrigued me. If we made a list of what we wanted in life, I think right at the top would be, "to be happy".

While reading the scriptures today I was falling asleep. I am sure none of you have ever done that but, I would nod off and then pick up where I left off and nod off again. It was really quality scripture time let me tell ya. :)
But then something woke me up. "And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness". (2 Ne. 5:27)
When I read that I did, I really woke up and started searching and pondering how they did that. I absolutely LOVE that we know what true happiness is and how to have it!
This was a time in Nephi's life that was full of change and I would imagine, was rather traumatic. His dad just died and now his older brother's are trying to kill him and so he packed up his family and they left. This is super sad!
This happiness isn't mentioned at the beginning of this chapter in his life, chapter five tells what they did to achieve it.
What I got out of it is that he "cried much unto the Lord",(vs. 1) (the Lord did not solve His problem but He gave Nephi direction)(vs.2) Nephi followed His guidance,(vs. 5, 6) kept the commandments in all things, (vs. 10) then they worked, studied the scriptures, they prospered,(vs. 11-13) prepared for emergencies, (vs. 14) learned new things and taught each other, (vs 15) built a Temple,(vs. 16) worked some more and encouraged his people to work,(vs 17) elected righteous leaders,(vs 18) recognized the fulfillment of prophecy,(vs. 19-20) ordained teachers (to teach)(vs. 26) AND then, "they lived after the manner of happiness"!(vs 27)

Nephi wasn't the only one who was happy. His family was happy too.

President Monson said once, "prayer isn't a substitute for service" or action. If Nephi had just prayed and listened and had not done anything, he would never have known such blessings. We must be "doers of the word and not hearers only".
I hope that I will be happier this week because I act on the promptings of the Spirit and follow Nephi's example. I'm glad I have a place to share this stuff. :) Have a great week!

1 comment:

Toni Marie said...

i LOVE this post!! you've definitely given me something great to think about this week! :) truly inspiring

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