"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

it's what fun is!

A while back I mentioned a CD I got from my parents for Christmas....

I listened to it the other day. After Dr. Lund's clients' (he's a marriage and family therapist) go through their "laundry list" of why they are there, he asks them what they like to do for fun.
Their response is "nothing"! Nothing?

So, I ask myself while listening to the CD, "what do Zach and I like to do for fun?". What a great question! I thought about it and then asked Zach later what came to his mind.

This question has motivated us to find the certain thing that we do for fun. For my grandparents it was Dominoes, my parents it was Rook. Our thing could be Hand n' Foot since we play that monthly with some great friends. :)

I think it's camping. We really love doing that. Could be playing ping pong, basketball, going to sporting events or musicals.

So, the date idea. After you ask yourself the question of what you and your spouse do for fun, then do that thing. If you can't logically do it for your date then do something else you think you might like. Try something new!
If you can't get out tonight, pull out the laptop or computer and search and plan your next big anniversary with something adventurous that you both might like.
We did this last weekend and had a good time!

This is what we came up with...http://www.oars.com/grandcanyon

Bet you CAN'T wait til' tomorrow! I'm so excited to announce the winner of our getaway! Leave a comment if you haven't already! -you've got til' tonight!

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