"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I know there are times when you read one of these "apples for the day" and think, "yeah, that would be fun but I'm too busy." Well, this is NOT one of those apples! Got it? :)

Here is the apple for today and everyday!

When your spouse gets home today give them a greeting of a lifetime! :) No matter how crazy things are when your spouse gets home, drop it all and go to them. Give them a huge hug and a serious kiss. Show them you are glad to be back together with them!

For Christmas my mom and dad gave Zach and I a CD called "Building Forever", Making Your Marriage More Fulfilling, One Day at a Time, by Gary and Joy Lundberg. (I will refer to this CD a lot just to give you a heads up :)) I have listened to it already and love it!
One thing she says to do is "put your spouse on the top of your list". They must be the most important before everyone else. When they get home and you put them before everything else you show them they are #1.
Well, I will be honest here. I am not trying to brag but truly, my favorite song is "I'm so glad when daddy comes home"! The kids always run to their dad and it is because he is wonderful and I have trained them to look forward to him coming home. But here is the honest part. There are days that I am behind the counter when he walks in or I'm putting dinner on the table, the kids have been driving me nuts and I'm done. It is all I can do to smile. :)
I listened to this talk today any chance I had. When he got home tonight I dropped everything and went to him...do you want to know what he said after? too bad! :) j/k, he said, "wow, I would love a welcome like that everyday!" :)
The reason why I am telling you this is because it made the biggest difference in our night! We laughed more, when I was reading to Ben on the couch and was asking him something, he came up behind me and rubbed my shoulder while I finished talking. Our interactions were much sweeter. There was an obvious difference. All because I took a few minutes to show him he was first on my list.
Do it!! Okay, I'm done. :)
Oh and if you couldn't tell, I wrote this last night. Now I'm really done.

1 comment:

Zach said...

LOVED it! And it made a huge difference in how we both felt with things needing to be done that night.

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