"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Celebrate good times!

So, last week we had a little computer crash and I was trying to load and then post some cute wedding day pics from our wedding day. We were married 7 years ago last week! Cra-zy! It has been so much better and harder than I ever thought. (oh and I don't dare load the pics yet..)

I did say I knew I was lucky the day I married Zach and now I realize I had no idea how lucky I was! He is a catch!!!

So, we had our reception a week after we were married. I thought I'd share our fun that we are going to do with our kids to celebrate our reception anniversary.
I'm going to make a cute little two tiered cake with the kids, we'll have a nice dinner with special glasses (they always love it when they get one too!), we'll watch our wedding video and then have some cake...which will probably turn into a mini food fight. :)
During announcement time at FHE we told them about the reception anniversary party. They all couldn't stop laughing. They are so excited. It is fun to share stories with them about when we were dating and the earlier years of our marriage. They love it.

We did get our nice day and night away thanks to Zach's parents! I love being a mom, I love being married and I love getting away with just Zach!

Well, there are a couple ideas of things to do in this post. If you don't have an anniversary coming up, you can make one. Put special glasses on the table on the date you got married. Calculate the month anniversary it is and celebrate! Something about nice glasses on the table just makes dinner nice. :)

1 comment:

Zach said...

I am going to put icing all over their faces!!! Then we can take pictures?

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