"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's not easy being sick

I think I have the flu. Yeah, pretty sure.

Whenever something out of the ordinary happens to me-like getting sick, I think of how things like this effect my life. My life as a mother and a wife especially. I get so needy and less able to do anything. I put our two year old down for a nap and then went to bed. Ben and Sarah came and woke me up here and there with little needs but for the most part I stayed resting with no interruptions. I talked to Zach and he said he'd come home early and take care of dinner. I felt miserable. I looked miserable.

From 12:30 on I moved from one couch or bed to another to watch the kids. When Zach got home he took care of everything. After taking care of me in the morning, taking Ben to school and then working hard all day, he had to come home and take care of everything again. Long day for him.

How do things like this effect marriage?
I tried to do my best and read to the kids, let them put dress ups on my head. I did ask nicely for things and say thank you but that isn't much. Honestly though, sometimes life is just hard. We do our best and make sure to ask nicely and say thank you when someone helps us out. Being grouchy never helped anyone.

Through it all though, being truly grateful and expressing it as much as possible does a lot for both the giver and the receiver. When I have days like this I am SO grateful for Zach. He is so great to me and to the kids. The way he involved them in getting ready for dinner, cleaning up, making a treat and the whole bit. All the while I sat on the couch admiring this total hottie that is my husband and feeling super lucky.

Now I'm going back to bed. Here's hoping sleep comes and stays tonight.

1 comment:

kate said...

good on zach for being there for you! makes it that much more a pleasure to take care of him when HE'S sick! feel better soon!

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