"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Daily Bread

The CES Fireside by Elder Christofferson was a wonderful talk. I printed it, read it, reference it and watched it twice. It is called "Give us this Day Our Daily Bread". You can read it or watch it from THIS link.

Here is just one of the many quotes I loved.

"Thinking of our daily bread keeps us aware of the details of our lives, of the significance of the small things that occupy our days. Experience teaches that in a marriage, for example, a steady stream of simple kindnesses, help, and attention do much more to keep love alive and nurture the relationship than an occasional grand or expensive gesture. That is not to say, brethren—you who are married—that your wife wouldn’t appreciate something new and really nice to wear or occasionally some other gift that expresses, with an exclamation point, how you feel about her (within the parameters, of course, of your miserable budget). It’s just that a constant, daily expression of affection, in both words and actions, is far more meaningful in the long run"

Of course I love it when authorities and scriptures validate the philosophy of doing the daily, little things. :) The choices we make everyday shape who we become and the marriage that we will have. Keep doing those little things. They do and will make a difference. Good talk. Good talk.
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