"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

what helps?

So the other day I had accomplished "things". I know I did.

Then afternoon hit. Me and the kids ate early because they were "starving".

The house was a disaster. -dishes everywhere, clutter everywhere. the kids were driving me and each other nuts.

Zach was late.

I gave each child their designated area and activity and I found a couch and parked it.

Then I got a text.

"great day at the office. see you in 27 minutes.....and i CANNOT wait either. you are my whole world becca nielson-I LOVE YOU!!!"

Wanta know what I did? cleaned the house.

I think I was still sitting on the couch when he got home, but i was reading a book to the kids. He told me I was a "total hottie" when he walked in too. :) ( I had done my hair-rare. )

Interesting what a nicely written text did. He didn't know he was going to come home to an exhausted wife and a messy house. It was like his text gave me the benefit of the doubt...like he knew life was good at home, with me. It motivated me to get off my rear. And he came home to a much better situation.

It just goes to show that kindness does make a difference and a lot of times the person who issued the kindness does benefit too.

1 comment:

Matt and Alissa said...

Thank you for this post. I needed this one.

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