"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

why is that sweet?

(so I heard that sugar feeds depression. I don't know if that's true-like clinically proven kind of true, but it makes sense. So I decided to stop eating it when I crave it and just save it for an occasional desert after a meal and eat nuts, fruits and veggies instead. :).)

So I am pretty sure that the idea of a treat sounded a lot better to me after I decided to stop eating so much of them. What is that about anyway? Can't appreciate a good thing til' it's gone eh?

Today is a day that fills me with many emotions. I can remember how I felt when I heard President Bush on the radio and he told us all to pray, to come together and not apart like they want us to. And how I felt about my freedom. It meant so much more. Much, much more.

Yes, I am patriotic, I love sweets, I'm going to eat better and all of this does relate to marriage. :)
When Zach is going out of town or going to be super busy at work, or going hunting, I miss him. The thought of these things makes me miss him. That's why thinking about the future makes me appreciate the present. All in all though, gratitude is a key attitude. We must learn how to appreciate what we have! Food, Freedom and Family.

How do we really show we are grateful for these things and the many, many other things we have? How?

I feel grateful when I pray about it. When I hold Zach's hand and thank my Father in Heaven for him. I feel grateful when I write Zach a note or write in my journal about him. I feel grateful when Zach is not at dinner with us but I tell the kids how much I appreciate their dad.

Today is a good day to express gratitude. We are so blessed. There is your apple. :)

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