"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Romance to me?

A month or so ago, Zach picked up a book at Costco called An Eight-Cow Woman Deserves an Eight-Cow Man. It was written by Tracy Lyn Cutler. There is more information about this on their website. http://www.eightcow.com/
There is a chapter about Romance. There were quite a few things I liked in this chapter and one specific thing is this.

"Here is a list of some of my favorite acts of romance:

*Romance is my own pet name, meant for me and no one else.
*Romance is a foot rub without expecting one back.
*Romance is a love note in grease pencil on my mirror.
*Romance is finding my favorite candy under my pillow.
*Romance is our own date, just you and me, a table set for only two.
*Romance is seeing you stand on the porch waving good-bye until my taillights have faded.
*Romance is sitting next to me in church, holding my hand, with our children on either side of us.
*Romance is a midnight kiss on New Year's Eve and every night after that."

I just loved reading this! I thought, "gosh, she is probably an easy person to love because she knows what she loves!"
The apple for the day is: make your own "Romance to me" list! Have your spouse do it too! Don't make it too long though! What is one thing on your list? SHARE! :)

1 comment:

Ellingson's said...

romance to me is telling me you appreciate the clean floor (or whatever i did that day)

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