"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

let's talk about talking :)

Finding time to talk to your spouse can be tricky if you're at all busy or if you have shows you like to watch or if you have kids or a life... ;)

I realized something about me recently and maybe you can relate.  I trap my husband.  (it's okay, he likes be trapped...unless he has something else to do..;))  I trap him and talk to him until he's beyond done.  I'm lucky.  He likes to talk to me.  I've been told this is rare.  Are you the spouse who gets trapped or are you the trapper?

I have a suggestion which will help both of you.  When Zach and I do this on a regular basis, the trapping isn't so often or as lengthy.

The trapper and the trappee would probably both agree that there are things that a husband a wife must make time to talk about.  If you are the trappee, you might not ever want to consent to any conversation because it will take all night!  If you are the trapper, this can be frustrating because you need to talk!

Okay, a helpful suggestion.  Set a day and time each week that you will talk about business stuff -the kids, the finances, family goals, vision, problems that need solving, schedules for the week, etc.  We call this meeting FLC: family leadership council.  Have an agenda.  Take notes.  Yep.

We set a timer.  Yep.  When it beeps, we close with a prayer and we are done.  No more trapping.  If this is done consistently the desire for a long meeting is much less and there is the peace of mind, knowing that you will pick up where you left off next week.  It's SO helpful!

Do it.

You're welcome.

Oh, if you just want to talk and your spouse is worried that you will keep them forever, set the timer for 15 minutes.  Ask for their undivided attention and promise to be done when the timer beeps.

Also, this works with kids too.  If they know they have a set time that they will get to talk to just you about anything, its hugely helpful for them too.

The end.

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