"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Always Building"

Okay, okay! It has been forever but I have NOT given up! :) I am ready to post baby!
We just got back from a lovely time at our family cabin! This cabin was built by my mom, my grandparents, her siblings and all their spouses. I have heard her say more than once that they have never stopped building it. They are always working on something!
I lay there one night looking at the wood walls and thinking about how carefully they planned and started to think.. There are five kids in her family. What if they all had a different cabin in mind and they all just did what they wanted? They all agreed on the style, the plan and then worked together to accomplish it! What a wonderful recipe for a successful marriage!
My grandparents set a goal to build a cabin for their family. If they had not set the goal it would not have happened. I can not even begin to explain the type of blessing this has been to our family! It is a breath of fresh air to be there! They did more than set the goal, they acted on it!

What are your goals? Which one are you working on?
Apple of the day? Talk to your spouse about this! Write em' down, hang em' on your wall! Start working on one! Have fun! We should always be building!

1 comment:

kkupfer said...

So, So happy you are back. I also think it's good to have goals. That's one thing Kevin and I have done, we have always set goals. Not always made it to the goal but we have tried. Thanks Becca I needed a reminder to start doing it again.

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