"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

advice for the newlywed...

So I went to a bridal shower last week for a friend. I love those things! So fun!

Everyone there was married...except for her. :) Lets just say we had a good time giving her advice!

The women that were there are super fun and wise too!

Here is some advice that is appropriate to share. :)

*tell your husband what you are thinking...he doesn't know. don't expect him to figure it out...he probably won't. :)

*make everything you do together a date. when you go grocery shopping, make it a date. have fun doing things together.

*make a commitment that if you have challenges in your marriage, to keep them in your marriage. don't go talking to your mom, sisters or friends about your spouse. talk to your spouse! if you are going to say something to anyone about your spouse, make sure it is positive!

*make everyday special with little things you do. put goblets on the table for dinner. put notes under their plate. don't make your spouse responsible for your happiness. serve them and love them.

*don't be afraid of counseling. it can be a real help in a marriage, whether you think you are struggling or not. it helps in making sure you have the same focus for your marriage.

*stay in touch during the day and while they are away traveling. text, call or anything. make sure they know you love them.

*read Becca's apple a day blog! :)

What advice were you given when you were first married? What advice would you give? Tell her! She's going to be reading this blog! :)


ross Walker said...

the best one on that list.... "*read Becca's apple a day blog!"

my .02 would be: Treat her like a daughter of God... after all that is who she is!

Becca said...

You are awesome Ross! thanks!

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