"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

FREE date night?

I know I'm all about FREE! Since we are in giveaway mode....
How would you like two free tickets to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows the NIGHT before it opens?! Yep, next Thursday and it is NOT the midnight showing! It is earlier! Time is TBA. This will be an awesome date night! Oh, sorry this is for Utahns and it is at The Junction in Ogden. This is a going to be a party! If it is a drive for you, it will be worth it! Costumes, prizes, butter beer and SO MUCH MORE!
Leave a comment and I'll draw the winner out of random! I'll announce the winner on Friday!...this Friday! :) Good luck!


Enjoying Our Journey said...

Oh I would LOVE LOVE to win! Your blog is so awesome! I read it everyday!

Just Josie said...

I didn't know you had a blog!!! not to mention a totally awesome blog! I am now a fan and will read it often! I LOVE ME SOME HARRY POTTER! What a fun giveaway!

Unknown said...

Comment A

kate said...

oooh, wish i could come! just bookmarked this blog, what a fabulous resource. i'll be checking in. . .

Don said...

I like your blog, Becca. By the way, I'm a bigger HP fan than the rest of these very nice people.

The Green's said...

I love this blog. What a great idea. I will be checking this site for sure. We hope things are still going well in Eden.

Kimberly said...

Don't add me to the drawing (since I'm already going, of course!), but I had to comment out of gratitude :) You're awesome & we are all blessed to have you & your blogs!

Michelle said...

Woah, Date Night?!? Haven't had one of those in a while with the new baby! Praying to win, that sounds like a blast!!! Love your blog! I am going to mail my hubby a letter to his work, love the idea! :)

Breona said...

Heck yes I need a date night with butterbeer. My husband would flip! I'll add u to my list of blogs I read! Hope all is well.

Chels said...

Trev would do a jig!! Then again, he'd have to somehow get work off.....hmmmmm...!! Awesome giveaway!

Mike and Michelle Ball said...

My wife loves those movies. I'm in...

ross Walker said...


(insert catchy greeting)! Where did you get such killer tickets to give away?! Amazing!

Kelly and I would love to go (insert worlds best reason) and it would be perfect time because (insert heart tugging situation). So you see it would just (insert amazing result).

Crossing my fingers for a win!

Ross & Kelly

Julie said...

Please pick me, please pick me! :) You know why you should pick me? Because I love your mom! Oh and I love you too!

Anonymous said...

Becca! I think it should be me! p.s. you're awesome!

_Emily Petersen

( don't have a google acct. or blog)

JulieBelle said...

Pick me!!
Just kidding! I already got my tickets, but this will be so much fun!! I am excited for whoever wins!

Emily said...

I'm totally in Becca. I need a date with Harry Potter, I don't think Trav would mind :)

Joani10 said...

Thanks for the great blog Becca! I keep it up on my i-touch so when I'm feed the baby or something I read your post. It is always uplifting and motivating...already feel like a winner reading it ;)

Anonymous said...

We love us some Harry Potter
-Jason and Brittany Webb

Kara said...

Becca the Moyes, I didn't even know you had this awesome blog until I saw the link you put on Facebook! You're great. I've been thinking about you -- and the Blessed Dinner -- for the past couple of days now. You in? :)

Shanna M said...

I'm so in! it would be a drive, but it might just be worth it!

Heidi-n-Scott said...

Becca, I read your marriage blog and think it's such a cute, fun idea that you do. :) Thanks.
Also, PICK ME, PICK ME! Please? :) Scott and I both love Harry Potter! and we desperately need a date night!!

Ellingson's said...

um...pretty sure I'm not gonna win. I never win anything, but it's worth a shot :)

lindsi said...

Lovin' your blog Bec! Thanks for all the insight and inspiration. Love ya!

Jen said...

I don't need to win anything, but I think this is a fabulous blog! You rock, Becca!

Rip Curl Mom said...

Oh my gosh! I want to win SO BAD!!!!

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