"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My first GIVE AWAY!

I'm so glad I got on Facebook yesterday! There were several of my friends that started posting something they are grateful for and they are going to do it everyday for the whole month. I copied them of course because I LOVE the idea. I already just feel happy because I am expressing gratitude!

How about we do our own version of this in our families?! Do something everyday to show or express your gratitude. Make a serious effort. I am willing to bet a gratitude gift that it doesn't make a difference! I got thinking the other day that give aways are fun, so I am going to try one!
Here is the challenge: Keep a journal of what you do everyday for the rest of the month to show and express your gratitude email me at the end of the month and just tell me you did it. BE honest! I will randomly pick the winner! You don't have to email me what you did. I'd love to hear highlights if you'd like...but at least email or comment that you did it and you would like to win the tickets. :)

This is a marriage blog, I would love it if you focussed on showing and expressing gratitude to your spouse but if you keep it in the family, that is good too! :)

Here are a couple ideas: (and I'll post some on the top of the blog too)

*Ever heard of the book "Wednesday Letters"? Write them a letter once a week full of things you are grateful for about them!
*Take special care of something they have given you. ie. shine your wedding ring and show them! Tell them how much you love it.

1 comment:

Ellingson's said...

good idea! My prayers have been to focus on service, especially towards Jeff, this'll give me a push in the right direction a little faster. I'm so much happier when I forget myself & lose myself in serving others.

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