"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"win their heart"

I know it is date idea day. I will get to it, I promise!

The idea of "win their hearts" is found in the scriptures, HERE. I love it because, let us all recognize that sometimes marriage isn't easy. Sometimes we have to dig deep and think about where we are and how we individually can make things better.
I heard the concept of winning hearts at a Relief Society meeting. The speaker told a story about his teenage son that would not listen to him...good kid, just didn't really want to have much to do with his dad. This dad felt like he was doing good things, he tried to talk but to no avail. It was especially bad when he brought up the subject of a mission, boy did things get icy!
Well, this guy was reading and thinking about his son and when he read verse 29 the thought came to him...Boston Celtics!
So, he called up his friend, got some tickets to the game, invited his son to go...it was his favorite team after all. His son was surprised at the invitation but couldn't turn it down because it was HIS team! They went to dinner, the game and frozen custard afterward.(or maybe just the game and custard...I don't remember) No mention of a mission, they just talked, laughed and had a good time. After that his son started talking to HIM!..about a mission too! He was amazed at the difference doing something totally for his son made!

I can't tell you what your spouse loves, but hopefully you know. :) If you don't, that is okay...ask! Do something just for them! Plan it out, make an invite and DO IT! Show gratitude for them by doing something they love! Be unselfish. If you hate what they love, try to learn to love it. Ask them about it, let them teach you, let them talk. Enjoy being together and doing something for your spouse! Win their Heart!

There are quite a few who read this blog that I don't know or know of your marriage situation. I want to tell you something with all sincerity. If you are struggling and don't know how to reach your spouse; if you will pray and ask the Lord for guidance and then read Alma 17 in the Book of Mormon and think about what you can do for your spouse. You will get an answer. Believe that you will be guided and you will! The Lord loves you. He loves your spouse too. I pray that the Lord will bless your marriage. I do.

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