"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So, for the past few days there has been this tower frozen somewhere near our home that has caused our Internet to, well.....not work - at all. I mean - gosh, what is someone to do this day and age without internet.

I guess for us, we could get one of those cool phones that has internet on it.....but we aren't exactly wanting to do that yet. So, since Becca is limited to going to a neighbor or family members house....she called me and I get to come to the rescue with a marriage blog post!!! I'm sure you are ALL super excited?!

My post is on a simple gift - find one that your spouse might not expect and give it to her at random. Maybe even today. I got a few songs off of I-tunes that I knew she would like, put it on a playlist on her I-POD and let her know. She loved it! Well.....at least that is what she said.

Anyway - I never think our gifts need to be extreme or large to be good. Sometimes the smaller and more often the better. Time is usually the hardest one to give, uninterrupted with each other or something that you can do for one another that took time and a conscious effort to get it done. Then in the end, the KNOW you care and that you LOVE them.

If our internet starts working soon.....you may get another post before Christmas, if it doesn't......well I can't say I personally am going to promise another one. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS just in case.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I loved the songs Zach! Thanks for coming to the rescue. You are the best man ever!

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