"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Green date!

I forgot to post a date idea yesterday with it being St. Patrick's and all...

This could be easy or you can make it a little more complicated. It can also be cheep or costly. You pick. :)

Send your spouse on a search for a crock of gold!

The gold could be a bucket of popcorn at a movie theater, a root beer float at A&W or at home, or a bunch of coins at an arcade!

Make up some clues and send them to as few or as many places as you'd like! The clues could have something to do with things they like or reasons why you like them. You could also have them do something to get the next clue. Leprechauns like to trick and tease. If you want to be like that. :)

Have a great weekend! It is the end of lucky week! It is lucky to wear green and it's lucky to kiss. If you did both, you would be super lucky! Just sayin'. :)

1 comment:

The Sweet Petes said...

I feel LUCKY that I ate your "fill out a bracket" apple. My husband loved that I did. Plus, I am happy to say that I currently am in 2nd place in my group (and I am the only girl)! Yay!!! Thanks so much; that apple was delicious;-)

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