"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What good does it do?

So, we don't live exactly close to a cheap grocery store. Zach was going to be down town picking up some things at Home Depot for the latest project of a chicken coup so I asked him to pick up a much needed item for me. He said "sure", I said "thanks" and then forgot about it.

...and so did he.

He worked a long hard day on this chicken coup and I took care of the kids, put them to bed, got ready for the next day and cleaned.
Do you know how many times I wanted to send him a text that said, "yeah, thanks for picking that up for me. -preciate it."

Do you know what helped me not to? The question in the title. When I ask myself "what good would it do?" I definitely don't press send.
Zach is the nicest guy on the planet. I can give him the benefit of the doubt, get over it and think about something that would do good.

The end. :)


Rip Curl Mom said...

I heart this post Becca! It is so true and sometimes so hard to do. I need a little slack so much of the time and I need to give it as well. Here's to having the 2 nicest guys on the planet!

Matt and Alissa said...

I needed this post today. Thanks!

kate said...

LOVE it! i need caleb to cut me slack so often that i can't afford not to cut him some from time to time.

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