"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

When it's good. :)

This is a late Sunday post because I have something on my mind I would like to get out.

Today we went to a baby blessing for Zach's niece. Love that! While I was visiting with Zach's parents and his Aunt it came up that Zach's Aunt knows six girls, personally, that were married in the Temple and divorced within six months! ugh! That makes me so sad! -negative, I'll fix it!
We started talking about what I have been thinking about the last few days. (this blog is good for me :))
I've been thinking and analyzing: when things are going well with Zach and I and when they aren't and why that is. It's been interesting to do!
Things are good right now (as in today and this weekend. :)) and it isn't good because we don't have trials. We are happy and feel good because of the choices we are making....we choose to look out for each other and do things to help each other out. When we are doing this we are thinking less about ourselves. (problems tend to disappear when you do this)
When things aren't going so well with Zach and I, there is a lot of frustration, anger and resentment because we are worrying about what the other isn't doing for me. -selfish feelings.

In the beginning, before the world began Satan heard the Father's plan and thought, "what's in it for me? I want the glory, how is this going to benefit me?" What has that mentality brought him? A whole lot of misery! He surrounds himself with miserable things, people and spirits and does anything and everything to get others to be miserable too.
Contrast that with the Savior who said, "The glory be Thine forever". What has that mentality brought Him? Love beyond anything we can even comprehend and joy unspeakable! He spent His life serving and loving others. Yes, He suffered a great deal but who was it for? Others! Us, and Our Father in Heaven who our Savior loves more than life.

Selfishness breeds misery and destruction. Unselfishness breeds love and joy in a marriage. Zach and I are a work in progress. We are far from perfect and it is tough too because the adversary isn't going to leave us alone either. Where do you think those thoughts of, "if he really loved you he would take out the garbage without being asked" or "if she cared about you, she would make love whenever you want" and etc. etc. etc. come from???? Yeah, that miserable being that is bent on our unhappiness! You betcha! The devil and his minions!!!

What can we do to counter his tactics of deception?

1st step: recognize them and test them! The Spirit of Christ is given to every man! If the thoughts we have do not resemble the thoughts Christ would have or the things He would have us do, then they are adversarial.
3rd step: give your spouse the benefit of the doubt and try to understand where they are coming from.
4th step: remember that your spouse is not responsible for the way YOU respond/react or feel. You are!
5th step: love them. this is an action word! do something to show them you care!
6th step: forgive them because it is highly possible that "they know not what they do".

President Monson said, "choose your Love and love your choice". We have already chosen our Love. Now lets remember; "a successful marriage, requires falling in love many times, and always with the same person!"

Okay, you should win something for making it to the end of this post! Check out the last post and make a comment for your entrance in the giveaway! :)


kate said...

wonderful. you strengthen me!

Emily said...

Totally what I needed to hear today Becca. THank you!

Angie said...

Great post Bec!

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