"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

a few tears later...

I read THIS blog yesterday and to say I bawled is putting it lightly! The entry I read took me a few attempts to finish because, well I'm a mom. It was worth it though. It probably hit home so much because we have three kids too. It kills me what this man must me going through, having just lost his wife! -and right before mother's day too.
Throughout the post there were several things that hit home. The regret he felt for not spending more time. But how glad for the things they did do. How grateful he was for good family support. How his faith and testimony have been and he knows, will be a strength to him. (to name a few)
It is SO sad when things like this happen. I just have to say that we should all be grateful and love our spouse more and our kids more. -say the nice things that come to mind and put aside the seemingly necessary and urgent things more often to spend quality time together.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking about that. We will have far less regrets if we cherish each other like today is our last day...plus we will have a better relationship if we do.


Roberts' family said...

Thanks for making me ball my eyes out!!! I love the line, "we were perfect. I am not perfect and she was not perfect but together we are perfect!!" That's how I describe the relationship between Scott and I.

Chantel said...

I stumbled across that blog a few days ago. So sad.

The Littlefields said...

Oh man! I read this a couple days ago. I've thought of this sweet little family several times today. What a SAD thing. I appreciated him sharing his experience, it sure makes you think about how lucky we are.
As he was talking about his selfish feelings with bath time, and how his wife would give anything to do that one more time. Man, it makes me realize how much I enjoy doing things for my children.
What an amazing guy!

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