"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, January 14, 2013

What can I do about yesterday?

So yesterday I failed.  Things started out well and then they didn't stay that way.  I let a lot of people down.  I didn't mean to and that's the part that stinks.  I came home from church after being there (late) for five minutes and I just bawled.  Mostly because I was angry I was so weak and I couldn't handle anything.  Our cute Primary secretary just listened and said "why don't you just go home, I will take care of this."  I wanted to be the strong one!!!  UGH!

I really have been asking myself this question today.  "What can I do about yesterday?"

The biggest answer that is coupled with accountability is to forgive myself.  This is so, so hard for me.  Especially when I feel stupid.  I want to just crawl in a hole.

Why bring this up on this blog?  Well, sometimes in our marriages we do or say totally stupid things and we really don't mean for it to be or sound like that.  It just does.  It is simply a moment of weakness.  I think remembering these moments are important because it helps us to BE more forgiving of our spouses because we are well aware that we are regulars at making mistakes.

Here are a few apples for me today:


take better responsibility for what is mine to do.


be kind.


do my best but be aware of my limitations.

i did already put a note in Zach's brief case.  "drop of awesome".  (if you haven't read that post, you should!)

i hope you all have a super great week!

1 comment:

kkupfer said...

I have not read your blog in a few weeks. I don't know if you have posted anything new. I just am glad you posted this today. And I am glad I took the time to read it. Thanks again. I miss you. Hang in there!

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