"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, November 4, 2013

it's a thankful party!

hello there!

my apologies for not posting.  i have missed it.  i have had a bit of a struggle with well, doing everything.  consistency and i are still working out our relationship.  not only that though, i should be honest.  i have't felt like i've had much to write.  i think i've starved my inspiration for this blog.  i've been very child centered and haven't focussed enough on my own growth & how i can be a better wife. (not completely negligent, just not enough to feel like i have the energy to be uplifting)  therefore, i haven't had much to write.

it is easy, very easy to be child centered when you have an adorable baby and three kiddos in your charge for their primary educational learning.  i'm still figuring out the balance.  i've recently decided that i'm going to need to rise in the wee, wee hours of the morning to get my scripture study in.  otherwise, i get a verse or two when i'm nursing.  that isn't exactly study.

oh, anyway.  as a writer i know that one of the keys to get the writer juices flowing is to simply, write.
so, here i am, writing, finally.  it feels good.

my thoughts for apples this week stem from thankful month.  being thankful daily has been really great for me.  i have written what i'm thankful for on FB and it has lifted my spirits.  because i think all day about what i'm grateful for.  that's good medicine.

do you think you could find something to be grateful for everyday?  something specific?  something about your spouse?  not just, "i'm grateful for him/her".  specific things like, "i'm grateful for your hug this morning" or "that you got up today even though you were tired and you had a good attitude".
could you tell them everyday what you are grateful for?

this doesn't need to be complicated.  i am a believer that things of this nature, gratitude specifically actually relieve stress and our burdens don't seem so heavy.

my challenge to all of us is this:
everyday, pay attention.  think of your spouse often throughout the day.  what have they done that you appreciate? what are you grateful for?  why are you grateful to be married them?

text them.  email them.  call them. write it down and stick it somewhere they will find it.  send them a card/note with the top ten things you're grateful for.

if you get mad/upset/hurt feelings/disappointed/discouraged, count your blessings until you feel better.  pray for help to see the blessings or to understand their point of view or good intentions. 

just so you know, i have done this before.  it really helps.

can you do this everyday?  will you?  

i will.

1 comment:

kate said...

i hear ya sister! with hands so full of little ones who NEED us, it is hard to remember to nourish the grown ups! i feel inspired by this today and will do a daily gratitude message for caleb every day. thanks becca for the little spark i needed to get moving.

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