"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

10 years to life :)

Yesterday, Zach and I celebrated TEN YEARS!

Well, we didn't exactly celebrate.  We remembered and reminisced while we went about our day.
Yesterday morning was the funeral for my Grandpa.  I like going to funerals, some people might find that odd.  I came away remembering things that are important to me and I wanted to do better at.  This couple below (in the blurry pic of a pic) are my Grandparents.  They were an AMAZING example.  I have mentioned them before.  Their ability to live with vision was so, so worth emulating.
Grandpa valued, God, Family and Country.  His life was a full reflection of that.
It was nice to have a family day yesterday, to remember a great man and a great life.

Then we went to Ben's first baseball game.  This kid was SO excited about his first game!  It was fun to be there for it.  He did so awesome!

And yes, it was mine and Zach's highly anticipated, ten year anniversary.  We chuckled as we walked arm in arm throughout the day, "hey, remember how we got married ten years ago? yeah, that was fun." :)
It was fun!  We watched our wedding video last night after the kids were in bed and quite enjoyed watching ourselves.  In some ways, we haven't changed.  In others, it's for the best. :)

Zach and I have so enjoyed being married.  It makes me teary thinking of how blessed we've been.  I credit Zach for our ability to bounce back after we disagree.  He is so humble and forgiving and kind.  I am working on those things.

Last night and throughout the day yesterday, we talked about the things we learned on our wedding day and from our Temple sealing.
We were sealed by Zach's dad's mission President.  Elder Backman.  

He advised us to kneel in prayer and hold hands every night and to take turns praying.  I'd be lying if I said we've been perfect at this.  We have had times where I've felt like a total whale and had no desire to kneel and others where I was lucky to find the bed, I was so tired.  We have prayed together, more often than not though.  That has probably been what has blessed our marriage the most.  You can't successfully hold hands and pray with someone you're mad at and stay mad.  It isn't possible.

As we knelt in prayer last night, we were humbled to still be kneeling together after ten years.  

I am a believer in the little things and I am a believer in the big things.  Daily little things that show Zach that I am glad to be his and glad he's mine.  -those things have been a pleasure to do and also, necessary.  Life does not go as planned.  We can count on that.  
We can still choose to live a life of vision and live a life that reflects our values.  Like my Grandpa did. 

I am SO grateful to have Zach to navigate this life with.  I love him more than I can ever adequately express and way more than I did ten years ago. 

My blog title sounds like a prison sentence.  I wrote that because it's funny, not because it's true.  I feel that our best times in marriage are when Zach and I, both, feel liberated to work towards our goals and be better people.  Marriage is the best and I am a total fan!

1 comment:

kate said...

happy 10 years!! you are such a great example to us, even though we are your marriage seniors of about 5 months. hee hee. :) marriage is the greatest of blessings, thanks for the reminder.

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