"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Getaway, Giveaway!

I am THRILLED to announce I have a certificate sitting on my desk for a lucky couple to stay one night for free, HERE at the Best Western Landmark Inn at Park City Utah!!!

The room is available from April-June and September-December! Hopefully this falls around your anniversary! Even if it doesn't, we can all use a getaway right?

Here is what you need to do!

*Leave a comment and give me a reason why you think you deserve this getaway!

For an additional two entries...
*Become a follower of this blog! (tell me in your comment that you're a follower)
*Like and share An Apple a Day on Facebook! (again, tell me in your comment that you did this)

I will draw the winner at random on Friday April 15th in the AM and announce it that morning!
You have until Thursday the 14th of April at midnight mountain time to enter! Good luck!

You probably already know this, but I'll tell you again just in case! I am an advocate for doing "little things" to show love to your spouse. (I know, shocker!) I also advocate the big things...like getaways. Let me just say this, the big things mean more when we give priority to the little things!
So, the apple for the day is: take your love in your arms and tell them how much they mean to you. If you can't take them in your arms then write it down and mail it to them! It doesn't take long. They might not act like they care too much, but they'll think about it later and appreciate that moment and you more.


Unknown said...

Well, I think that I deserve the getaway because today is my birthday! :) Also, we didn't get to get away for our anniversary last year because of a new baby, so we really need some time just to ourselves!

Melissa Ash said...

That last comment was me, Melissa (Timber)-sorry, signed in under my hubby!

I am DEFINITELY a follower of teh blog!

Melissa Ash said...

I "like" An Apple a Day on FB, and I shared the giveaway!!
lissa_ash2004 at yahoo dot com

Michelle said...

Wahoo Becca!! With sick kids, working towards our savings goal and no wiggle room in the budget and a baby who won't take a bottle and is therefore literally attaches, I really need something to look forward to! I'd love to win! :)

Michelle said...

I am a follwer....love your ideas! Thanks to you my hubby got a love note and his favorite treat packed in his lunch today! :)

Michelle said...

I also "liked" you on FB. Here's hoping my luck will win out!! :)

Jannifer said...

Becca, I'm a follower of your blog and I would love love love to have this for our anniversary! (Ours is in October, so that would work perfectly!)

Tamina said...

I think we deserve a getaway because we haven't had one for over three years. So we could use some "us" time. :)
I like you on facebook and I shared you on facebook too!
Thanks for all your GREAT posts Becca, I love them!

Becky said...

That's awesome that you pulled this off. I hope I win. I think I deserve it because my hubby has been working so hard and we hardly see eachother anymore. We need this!

Becky said...

Also, I am a follower of this blog.

Becky said...

And you know I like it on FB and have already shared it!

Unknown said...

I think we deserve this getaway because we haven't had a getaway in 4 years, and we have 5 kids 5 and under. We are TIRED, and it's SO hard to get time together. This would be SO SO SO wonderful!!!

Unknown said...

I stalk your love blog. :)

Unknown said...

I like you on FB. :)

The Powell Family said...

Well I hope I deserve this getaway because this December will be our five year anniversary! In those five years we have never had a getaway. Living "out in the sitcks" there isn't much to do and hard to find date night sitters so most our dates include the boys. I would love to surprise my hubby and get him all to myself! Please!!!

The Powell Family said...

I am already a follower of this fabulous blog!

The Powell Family said...

It took me a minute to figure out how to do it, but I liked "An apple and day" and shared it with all my friends.

www.momentsofhope.wordpress.com said...

I'm already a follower, and I like you on facebook, and I'm leaving a comment. Why me? Because I'm neat and my husband is neat.

behoxer said...

Becca! I think I deserve the getaway for a few reasons!

1. I have the best first name ever, right?
2. I became a follower and liked you on facebook before I knew about your fantastic giveaway.
3. Brian and I have not had a night away together since our sweet little girl was born.
4. I will keep reading your blog whether I win or not, just because it's helpful and I like it.


-Becca ;)

behoxer said...

Oh, and if I don't win, I hope Kara does, because 4 YEARS AND 5 KIDS 5 AND UNDER??? They need a getaway.

Rach said...

Way to go Bec, so awesome! It seems like you already have a lot of deserving people who are in need of a getaway. I hope I win because our last anniversary trip we had to come home early because of sick kids. I also am a follower of your blog. And I will get on and figure out how to like you on Facebook. If I tell you how cool you are do I get an extra entry? :)

Melanie said...

I think the real question is why DON'T we need a get away. We live away from family so we NEVER get away. I need grandma! We are coming to Utah a couple times during this. I have NEVER left my kids...this would be AMAZING!

Melanie said...

I have been a follower of your amazing blog for a bit now.

Melanie said...

Liked you (even loved you) and posted on FB.

sara said...

Pick me, pick me.

I am a working, tired mommy just trying to put her hubby through school, and we could use some relax time! Plus, we are moving far away very soon....

Did that sound desperate or what???

sara said...

I am definitely a follower, when I follow anything :).

Vee said...

I need this because it has been 8 years since Mike and I have been able to get away without any kids for more than an evening. This would be so much fun to surprise him with this. Please pick me. Ok now I'm groveling.

Vee said...

I am a follower on facebook and I shared your giveaway. YEAH!!!!

Vee said...

I have been a follower of your blog since the very beginning. I love it.

Rip Curl Mom said...

Ross has been under an incredible amount of stress lately because he has been working so hard. I admire him so much for the sacrifices he makes for our family. I would love to take him on an overnight date! He deserves to have some fun. Thanks for the opportunity! I sure do love you guys. (that was real, not brownnosing ;)

Rip Curl Mom said...

I am also a follower!

kate said...

wish we were there and could take advantage...but just want ya to know how great this is. you are doing so much good with this here blog, becca! thanks. :)

Chantel said...

We so need it because our one Foster kid turned into Four Foster kids and we now have six kids under eight. We're tired and our anniversary is in MAY!!!

Enjoying Our Journey said...

I think I deserve this Get Away because my husband and I have only ever gotten away once since we have been married, and it sure would be nice! Also I follow your blog and I like you FB! WAHOO!

Dale said...

We deserve this get away because we have 5 kids under 6 and it would be a good thing.

Dale said...

I follow your blog.

Emily said...

So I thought I left a comment the other day but now I don't see it and I definitely want to get in on this. I am a follower of the blog and though there are a lot of deserving people for this giveaway I still want a shot! Who doesn't need a getaway with their love? I do! I like it on facebook too. The day you are doing the drawing is my birthday....that would be an awesome gift! I'm sure most people are in the same boat as me and when you have little kids at home and your hubby works so hard every day you just get stuck in a rut. We are totally stuck right now and I am trying some of your apples to get out of the rut. Trav said the other day that he feels like Shrek in Shrek 4. Every day seems like it's the same thing over and over (not the whole "i wish I didn't have a wife and kids thing") We need something!

Anonymous said...

I left a comment, but it was under moments of hope instead of my name...so do I get an entry for our photography and for my?

Roberts' family said...

Because I have very pregnant wife and we will need a nice getaway after the baby is born.

Roberts' family said...

I liked you on FB and commented.

lindsi said...

We definitely need some "US" time...all alone...no crying and whining children. Sounds absolutely delightful!

lindsi said...

I am a follower...of course I am!

lindsi said...

I liked you on FB and shared the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Becca you know I am a BIG fan of You and Zach. I love you

Megan said...

Justin and I have had a rough year of marriage...school has chewed us up and spit us out. :) We'd love to do something together that would help us reconnect. I'm following you (Creepy) and liking you (more creepy) on FB.

Kimo's said...

Who am I to say that I deserve the getaway? but I am Shelly's biggest fan. Shelly deserves this because she is the most compassionate person I know, and I would love to see her get something made for her. She is always doing things for other people and looking for ways to lift, inspire, improve, and love people anywhere she goes.
Lately she has been coaching track at Juab High School. One athlete gave her a note recently sharing how Shelly is the first coach in the athlete's life that has showed genuine interest in this athlete's improvement as an athlete and as a person. First and foremost she is a wife and a mother and daily she does amazing things.
I am totally and completely blessed to be married to this amazing woman!

Kimo's said...

Oh, and I am a follower and FB fan!


Wow, after Jimmy's comment, I almost want to tell you to pick them, but I won't. :) I think we deserve it because I have the best husband ever who works two jobs so that I can stay home and be with the kids and we could definitely use some romantic time together. I am also a follower and a fan on facebook!

Katie said...

I like you on facebook and follow this blog!

I think we deserve a get away after surviving a rough 2010--we added baby #2 to our family and my husband worked his tail off to progress his business. It was a year of stress and ups an downs and without much money or time we haven't been able to get away for a couple of years.

Katie said...

PS Not only do I like you on facebook, but I shared your site as well. :)

Angie said...

I like you on FB and am a follower. We haven't had a getaway since before our boys were born. Since we don't live near family it is hard to find a sitter for getaways, but you'll never guess...we will be coming up during those months of availability so we would have access to a few sitters :) yay! I would love love to surprise Matt with this! It would be so nice to getaway with him! You are so great to do this blog Bec! Love ya! (Do I get a few extra for that? Just kidding. But seriously?;))

Laura G said...

Your BLOG is so wonderful. I pop it every now and again when I'm on-line, I think what you do is fantastic! Miss you. Thanks for all your words of inspiration. PS. I could def use a getaway. SOUNDS FAB!!!

Laura G said...

I am a follower!!! :)

Kelley said...

Wow Becca, this is awesome!! I think we deserve the getaway because a marriage is one of the most important things to focus on in this life!!

Kelley said...

I am a follower of this blog, and I LOVE reading your advice each day!

Kelley said...

And I shared your link on Facebook :)

Miss Kris said...

I would love a getaway with my sweetheart to remember all the reasons we fell in love. Plus, it would be nice to spend an evening without little ones!

Miss Kris said...

I am now a follower of your blog!

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