"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Want to hear something cool?!

Okay good! Cause I'm excited!

I contacted Gary Chapman and he had his staff send me some free copies of his book The Five Love Languages!!! Doesn't that rock?

Do you have a copy of this book? You should! It's a goodie.

How would you like one?

Okay. Why would you like it? Leave a comment with your answer AND an Apple you will do for your spouse today. I'll announce the winner on Friday the 14th.

I hope you win. :)

Oh, and a question. Have you noticed the "Apples to try" on the top of this blog?


Rip Curl Mom said...

Ok, I LOVE this book! Not only did it help me figure out Ross's love language, it helped me figure out my kids too. I don't have my own copy, I borrowed it from a friend. I would love to have my own. Today, I am going to help Ross unwind AND speak his love language by giving him a backrub. And maybe make out a little ;)

kate said...

i am so grateful for the wonderful ideas and tidbits you give. thanks becca!! no need to enter me, i just ordered this book and can't wait to read it. :)

Unknown said...

I would love this book. My husband and I have never read it, but I really, really want to (and I know he'd read it with me, lol).

My apple for my husband today will be telling him how much I appreciate all the hard work he does for our family, b/c he really does work so so hard. Maybe I'll even had dinner ready when he gets home from work, lol.

Laura G said...

Your blog is so fabulous Becca. You are such a good example too. I got a little notebook for my birthday and I've been writing a reason why I love Tyson everyday. He has no idea about it. I will give it to him once it is full, maybe Thanksgiving, Christmas or his birthday. We'll see what comes first. :) I loaned this book to a friend years ago and never got it back. I'd love my own copy again, husband should read it too. :)

Rach said...

Love it and of coarse would love my own copy. How you do it all is amazing! Glad that I checked blogs today...I never check blogs. :)

Allisun said...

Since my husband is in China currently, I'm going to write down all the reasons why I miss him. Then when he gets back, I'll give it to him.
I borrowed the book from a friend and read it trying to figure out Beau's love language, even he doesn't know. I learned a lot, but I'm still not sure. Since Beau will be done with school soon, he could read it and then maybe we'll figure it out.
Thanks for the thoughts Becca! You are awesome, and I miss your face!

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