"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, November 7, 2011

schedule your apples!

I thought I'd try something different this week and give you some apples in a bunch...that way you can schedule them into your week and be sure to do one a day!

*send them an email or text with something you are grateful for of what they did that morning or something about who they are. Doesn't have to be serious. It could be, "thanks for taking out the garbage this morning" or "I am so grateful for your nice muscles! They are such HUGE a blessing!":)

*while eating dinner go around the table and say what you are grateful for that day.

*mail a card to their office-funny or serious expressing gratitude.

*spend a special time with your spouse and just talk. if they need coaxing then make a treat or play a card game while you talk.

*ask them if you can do anything to help them this week or during that day.

*cook a favorite meal, call them and tell them what you made and that you made it just for them

*initiate love making. it seems like things just go better around here when...well, never mind. :) Anyway, love them like they want to be loved.

Have a great week!


kkupfer said...

Done and Done! Love ya Becca Its funny how this month you have been talking about gratitude, did I tell you that's what Kevin likes to hear.

kate said...

all great! thanks so much for your never ending good ideas. :)

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