"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hit a tree, or ski!

My senior year in high school a couple of my friends took me skiing at Alta. I had never been before....and haven't been since! :)
I was quite nervous about the undertaking to be honest. I think I told everyone I talked to that I was sure I would hit a tree!
No one was super shocked to hear that I did!!!...along with fall off a cliff and almost hit the side of the mountain, covered in rocks! I got stitches in my armpit too!
About a year after this happening I was carpooling to Weber State with a friend who is in a wheelchair and is nothing short of amazing! She was the one driving us to school. She ski's too. Well, we were talking about skiing and since I had only been skiing once, I only had one story to share. I told her that I knew I was going to hit a tree that day and she said, "if you think you will and you focus on it, you'll hit it". She has taught me more than one lesson about goal setting since then, and her point is very valuable. I was set on having a difficult time skiing that day and I did. I decided to hit a tree and I did!
In our lives, something is going to happen, lets choose positive things we would like to see happen and work towards them!
The apple for the day is: think about the mountains you'd like to climb, the things you would like to do and talk to your spouse about them. Set some goals and begin working for them...together!

1 comment:

J.Frey said...

hahaha I am laughing at the memory of that day! It really wasn't that funny when it happened..but now it is kind of funny. I'm sorry!! I still remember your face when we came to see you at the insta-care after they stitched you up.

Thanks for the lesson taught! It's true, if you put your mind to it, it will happen...whether it is good or negative.

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