"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I was such a victim!

This happened a while ago and I thought it was pretty typical and too funny not too share.
So one night I got into bed a few minutes before Zach. I was curled up facing the wall. He climbed into bed and curled up facing the other wall.
FYI; this sort of thing never happens. We usually talk, cuddle or kiss before we go to sleep...let a lone pray or read!
Okay, the night had been totally normal, we weren't upset with each other, so I was a little confused as to why he didn't even say anything to me!
I was laying there thinking to myself, "why is he being so rude? what did I do? Love you too! (getting more mad with each statement!) well, he's the Priesthood holder, it is his responsibility to make sure we pray! I'm not gonna say anything, if he's not!" I probably laid there and fumed for like 5 minutes and then I heard....him snore!!! He totally fell asleep! Here I was wasting my energy being mad and he was simply winding down for a snooze!
The next morning I asked him about it and he said, "oh, I thought you were praying or something!"
Pride! Isn't it a killer!
The apple for the day? : if something like this happens today or this week, remember my story and chill out! Let go of your pride and talk to your spouse. Chances are there is nothing to be mad about! :)

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