"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Have you ever allowed yourself to be bothered by something your spouse did or even didn't do? I have. I have at times allowed myself to get so worked up over something seriously stupid and really, I don't think he even knew I was so upset.
In the Gospel Principles manual, (chapter four, page 19) I loved the line that said, "Right choices increase our power to make more right choices".
Interesting that I love something so simple?
My point is that when we focus on something, stew over it or let it fester inside of us, it drives the Spirit away and then it becomes even harder to rectify the situation.
If we simply choose to respond "right" the first time, then we are given power to make more right choices. This is so true! We can choose to look past the insignificant things that might bother us and we can also choose to talk to our spouse about something and work it out instead of letting it fester.
The apple for the day is: "Choose the right!" Do something right for your spouse TODAY!
This doesn't just apply at times when our spouse bothers us, it also applies when they need us to help them, when they need encouragement or support in some way. The more we choose to do them right, the power we are given to continue increases!

At the risk of this post being too long, I still must add the other side of this idea. It comes also from the G.P. manual on page 20.
"Even though we are free to choose our course of action, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. The consequences, whether good or bad, follow as a natural result of any choice we make."

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