"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Alright, where is it?!

Where's the money!? This is an aspect of marriage that can be a touchy subject but shouldn't be overlooked! I would like to know some things that you do in regards to finances. Who is primarily responsible to pay the bills? Do you discuss finances regularly? Do you have a budget? How do you keep track of your expenses?
I found this video and thought it gave some good counsel from Elder Hales for a place to start in dealing with finances.
The apple for the day is: watch this video and then discuss it! Don't point fingers, just talk about the video and things you would like to apply.
Finances are an easy thing to push aside and not talk about sometimes but it is also crucial that we pay attention and be in control of them too. I am most definitely speaking from personal experience. Work together to take control of them if you haven't already!

1 comment:

Ellingson's said...

Jeff pays the bills. we definately have a budget & a certain amount we put into savings. Jeff gives me cash for groceries, since that seems to be our problem area... it's so easy to just spend & spend on groceries. So I know how much money I have to spend & we don't deplete our account

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