When I got to thinking about a good talk I could post for this week, THIS talk by Elder Holland came to my mind. I started reading it and lets just say...it was a good reminder for me! ...mostly as a mom but as a wife too. I do need to consider carefully the words that I say and how I say them!

If only I could see this picture in my mind when she has unraveled all the dental floss again, flushed a car down the toilet or when he is talking back. I see this picture and remember that what I am blessed with is a piece of Heaven in my home! They are learning how to speak from me! They are learning how to love from me! Oh no, I'm not overwhelmed! :)
so true! very good food for thought! thanks :)
Becca! I check this blog everyday and it has helped me in many ways! I was so worried when I saw your post last week that said you might not do this blog any more. Thank you SO much for sharing all you know and are learning about. You have blessed my life...miss you!
I needed this today, thanks!
Whoa, he speaks so powerfully. It's funny that in church today something on this very topic struck me. Perhaps it's because of the stage I'm in with so many little (and sometimes frustrating) little ones. A father in our ward told a story about how last week he was in the building where he works on mainstreet in SLC and he heard a man yelling so loud that he got up and looked out the window expecting to see a fight between 2 adults- he saw that the man was yelling to a young girl who he assumed was his daughter. The father in our ward then said he thought about how Heavenly Father speaks to us, like with the sheep how they learn to hear the voice of the shepherd. It doesnt need to be loud, they'll recognize their caretakers voice. He referenced more scriptures and stories, but it made me really want to do better. Love it. This is something I"m going to be paying much more attention to.
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