"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Didn't date much?

Last week Zach and I talked about what we enjoyed doing when we were dating and well, we mostly talked and made out! :) That and we didn't date long. We went from dating to married in 6 months!
We enjoyed going to Wingers and we played basketball at the Roy Rec Center, made smoothies, made pizza and watched movies. Other times we went to the library to study or worked on our art projects.
We didn't go on too many official dates. I don't think our situation is too uncommon. But Zach and I both went on dates in High School.
Why not recreate one of your favorite H.S. dates with your spouse!? Come on, pick one! Do it this weekend!
There is your apple of the day!


Chels said...

We're also a '6-month story'! We spent too much time kissing and not enough having fun. Going months without a date doesn't phase us in the least. I know dating is great for any marriage. Twice recently we've been able to spend a few hours together on a Friday night and even though we didn't do anything too exciting it was nice, calm, and needed.

What kind of 'art projects'-- does one of you paint/draw?

Becca said...

Oh, both Zach and I took an art class at Weber. It was a gen. ed. That is how we got to know each other. There was a lot of busy work in that class and we worked on it together.
We both enjoy art but we would rather go to an exhibit!

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