"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Start Building AGAIN!

I believe I was trying to clean or put away groceries the other day while two of my children were playing in the other room. All of the sudden I thought one of them was going to die! They were screaming their face off!
What happened?
Well, his tower was knocked over of course!
After consoling him for a minute and telling her it wasn't nice to knock down others towers. I said something that I probably needed to hear more than he did.

"Sometimes we just have to take a deep breath and then start building again".

Now, my baby is a picky eater and often throws his food and sippy and really anything he can reach. My two year old is in the process of pooping and peeing all over my house instead of in the toilet and then getting into everything she shouldn't. My five year old is testing me in every other aspect. Sometimes I want to crawl in a hole!

As soon as I said this, I really felt the Spirit confirm it to my heart that this is exactly what I need to do. Whenever any of the above and all the other unexpected things happen; I just need to take a deep breath and start building again.
Building is such a productive word! You get much better results that way too!

Now if you don't have kids or if you'd like to relate this to marriage. Here you go!
The apple for the day: Only build your spouse up with words today. If something MUST be said...say it tomorrow! Take a deep breath!

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