"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

just give in!

So last night we went to a friends house for cards again. We always have such a great time with them! Well, at the end of the night (12:30 AM) we were talking about next month when it will be at our house. Zach and I had talked about an idea to change things up a little and so I suggested it. When I said it, he looked at me and said "what?", just like he had never heard it before! I was so embarrassed and mad at him for not remembering our conversation. I got mad in front of everyone and felt even more dumb. (he didn't think I was really that upset so I must not have relayed how really stupid I felt) Then like ten minutes later he says "oh, yeah, I do remember that". I didn't even acknowledge his comment because I was so bugged.
What a rotten way to end a super fun night!
Well, we went home and I was bothered, we brushed our teeth and readied for bed and he said he was sorry. We talked about it for a minute, I said I was sorry too, but I still didn't feel much better.
We said our prayers and even after him saying "thanks" to Heavenly Father for such a great wife I still didn't feel much better.
Do you know what won me over? We got into bed and then he put his arm up on the pillow and said "can I hold you?". I felt so much better! I guess it was third times the charm or something!
I guess the choice just comes down to being sweet or stubborn. I think you feel better about yourself when you're sweet....and your spouse feels like the luckiest!
The apple for the day is: just give in! choose to forgive instead of feel lousy because of the other option! :)
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