Okay in that Marriage Fitness book I told you about previously, we've been reading a chapter on dating and why it is so necessary. I found this paragraph interesting:
"I know a couple who were avid tennis players. They enjoyed tennis together throughout their courtship. Two years after they married, their marriage was in trouble. When was the last time they played tennis together? About two years ago. Is tennis only for dating?"
The apple for the day is: ask your spouse to think with you for a minute about things you did when you were dating. What did you enjoy doing together? Set it up, do it for date night!

We would always go to the Layton Park, but its kind of far away now :(
Thank you Becca for all the great ideas you post on here! Now that we have two I find it harder to focus on "us." Your posts keep me thinking and trying. Do you mind if I share the link to this page with all of my sisters?
Thanks Jessica! I'm really glad you like them! Please do share the link! I don't know all your sisters but I love two of them! :)
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