"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Yesterday I was quickly reminded of how blissful life can be for one person and how extremely hard it can be for another at the exact same time. I was having a great day and was driving back to my office about lunch time when I received a phone call from a very good longtime friend. As soon as I heard her voice I could tell something was wrong and she needed help - in my case it was a listening ear.....and a prayer for her family.
Her son and daughter in law had triplets about 2 weeks ago - so happy and all was great, life couldn't be better. Then Saturday she got a headache, it worsened and her husband decided to take his wife to the hospital - on the way she passed out, ended up calling 911 and soon found out that she had been bleeding inside her brain. Surgery took place as soon as possible that day and she has been in a drug induced coma since. Still very critical as of this moment. I pray that she will be able to give her husband a hug again and that she will be able to hold her 3 little babies again and that she will be able to hear and respond to her husband saying those three precious words "I love you!"

The question I have is this.......How much do we take our wife or husband for granted? Do we truly give them all that we have? Do we realize that we may never hear their voice again? Or go through a trial like this? How did you speak to them when you left for work? Is that what you want to remember?

The apple for the day today is:
Truly, truly, truly tell your wife or husband that you love them. Tell them sincerely, so that they know without a doubt that you do and that there is no hesitation whatsoever. If you need to do it with flowers, do it. If you need to take her for a walk or to dinner or whatever to be able to do it, then do it. If you need to buy chocolate......tell her First and then show her the chocolate.
My wife may have already posted something like this as an apple for the day - but does it ever hurt? What if we truly did this every day or better yet, every time we felt like we should. We have many opportunities to share it - we just need to act on it.

1 comment:

Chantel said...

Oh how sad. I hope she'll be ok.

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