"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, September 27, 2010

totally disappointing.

Some days are just like that...disappointing.
I had been canning, doing salsa, tomatoes and jam. The kids had both had friends over and well, to put it lightly, I was tired.
I talked to Zach about 3 or so in the afternoon and as we got to talking I thought it would be best if he brought pizza home for dinner as we were still going to have friends over at that time.
He was aiming to be home earlier than normal so that was a plus. I told one of the mom's we would be eating at 5 so she could come over at 5:30. Zach's drive home is about 25 minutes.
I spoke to him at 5 and he hadn't even left yet! I was so mad. I asked him to lift my burden and he had made it worse. He had a client come in unexpectedly and well, without meaning to had ruined any chance of being superman. :)
I felt so put out. As I was making the dinner I was too tired to make, I kept telling myself I shouldn't be mad, he wanted to help and it just didn't work out. His heart was in the right place, he didn't do it on purpose...etc.
All the "righteous reasons" I could come up with just didn't help me feel any better and I wasn't calming down. Whenever this happens I really try to forgive him before he gets home so I am not grumpy to him. THIS DOES NOT ALWAYS HAPPEN. :)
He came home and I was still mad. We had dinner, consisting of fries, hot dogs and carrots. yum.
Well, the night went on and I was still bugged. He helped get Sarah in bed and helped with the other kids, he came into the kitchen and told me he was going to lay down with Sarah. I was sincerely grateful, I said "thank you" to him and to say I felt better wouldn't suffice. I honestly felt a burden lift. The difference sincere gratitude can make surprised me. I decided to keep looking for things I could keep thanking Zach for and I continually felt better.

Have you ever been mad without really wanting to be? Try to look for any good next time and say thank you for it. Test this. I was amazed that it worked so well! There is your apple!

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