"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Actions Speak LOUDER than words"

So this one is for the guys - at least that is my intent, but I know that just because I mentioned that, it may well be the topic of conversation from every female that reads this.......to their husband some time over the next 24 hours and.....For that - I'm sorry I just can't apologize guys, hunting season or not.
My "apple for the day" isn't just to do something that will be, or is nice for your wife, it is more. I must first give the credit and the inspiration behind this post to a great friend of ours.
It is along the lines of treating our wives like a princess or even better, like a Daughter of God, because that is who she really is!
Now, don't just read that last sentence and move on to this one - think about it for more than a second. Seriously!!! A Daughter of God - how would you treat her? How does God treat her? Do you think He would want you (and me for that matter) to treat her any different? Whoa - I think that brings a whole new level to what we say and do everyday to our wives.
Is anything we do in a day really that important if we aren't treating our wives the way God would want them to be treated? What is anything in this life worth if our wife isn't by our side or even worse, doesn't want to be? All because of how we treat them.......something to think about.
I know that when I thought of this, I was in for it for 2 reasons - #1 Because I can do WAY better and will now be required to....and #2 because every woman after reading this post will now EXPECT it. So, here is THE "Apple for the day" or maybe even year for that matter.
Treat your wife like a true daughter of God tomorrow or like a Princess, but do it in actions - for they truly do speak louder than words. You know your wife best (or at least you should) - think of the things you can do today and if you need to make a list, but truly make her feel the way she should tomorrow. It probably doesn't even need to be that long - just take some time and think for a few minutes about it.
I know we are all busy, but is that an excuse? I am sure that if you do it, you will not only notice how much she loves it, but that you will be the one who benefits the most because you will have done something that has been needed for a long time. Let me know how it goes and how you feel after you do this "Apple for the day."

1 comment:

Becca said...

you are a winner Zach! this was a sweet post. can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! probably not much different from today though. you need to give yourself more credit. love you!

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