"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, December 13, 2010

12 days....

I have seriously dropped the ball this last week! What bums we out too is I had some fun things to post! Don't worry, I'll still do them...
My kids have been so super sick this last, like month! But the last week has been the pits. Zach and I haven't gotten much sleep and it seems I have been doing good to keep things functioning here at home and Zach staying a wake at work!
Next year I am either celebrating Christmas in July or I will at least be ready by then!

Enough about me! Today the 12 days til' Christmas starts! I've got to do something!

Because I am already up to my ears in "things" to get ready, make and so on, I think I will celebrate with dinner time conversations.

Tonight- name 12 things you love about Christmas
11-name 11 Christmas songs (you could even do, name that song!)
10-tell about 10 things you would like to do for others
9- talk about the meaning of Christmas symbols, which is your favorite
8- what do you think about as you fall asleep Christmas Eve
7- what Christmas stories have you read and would like to read again...stories you haven't and would like to read
6-favorite holiday foods
5-say five things you are grateful for at this time of year
4-favorite Christmas memory
3-go around the table and say three things you like about each person...including yourself!
2-what is your favorite thing you have done so far, this Christmas season
1-tell about the gift you are going to give to Jesus throughout the next year

If this is too much for you to remember and still want to do something around the table. Growing up we read Christmas scriptures by candle light around the table. It keeps my kids attention and they love that they get to blow out the candle! Here are some from my Primary lesson Sunday:
Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7 :14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Alma 7:9-10, Helaman 14:1-6, 1 Nephi 11:18-21

So, there ya go! Do you like to do anything to count down to Christmas? What have you done? What questions did you think of when you read my list? Hope your preparations are going well and you're able to do lots of fun things as a family!

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