"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year Inspiration!

"Nothing great was ever accomplished without inspiration". (can't remember the author, I'll find it though.:)

I think the New Year is a perfect time for a new beginning. I find everything about it completely refreshing! I have heard this quote many times. A few weeks ago I heard it again and it struck me differently. Do I want to be great? Do I want my children to be great? Then how can I be inspired and how can I inspire them? The best way I know how is to read. I love to read. I love to listen to talks and books on my I pod.
Here are a few things I plan to read and listen to. Maybe you will find some you are interested in.
We are so blessed to have so many resources that put inspiration within our reach!

"You can't wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club."
Jack London (US adventurer, author, & sailor (1876-1916))

The scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, every day.
Attending the Temple and all my church meetings.

What do you do, read, or watch that inspires you? I would LOVE to know!

For my kids I plan on inspiring them with more outings, reading about heroes in history (world, American and Church), and trying and learning new things. What do you do with your kids?

I love talking about New Years resolutions with Zach. I hope you will take the time to talk to your spouse about your goals for the New Year! AND write them down! YES, this is your date idea! :) I still strongly encourage treats, puzzles, games and good times too! We will be playing Mario Brothers, ping pong, doing puzzles and eating some yummy treats with friends and family. Wanta come?
I am really looking forward to this new year!!!


Rip Curl Mom said...

As well as the scriptures, the prophets and good books, I get a lot of inspiration from Ross and the boys. They often have a completely different way of approaching things that I never would have thought of on my own. Also, great friends can make a huge difference. We are all in this together after all!
A book I love to read and re-read is "The Power of Intention" by Wayne W. Dyer. He is very powerful.
Thanks Becca and Zach for inspiring ALL of us!

Zach said...

Love the book suggestion. Thanks Kelly! I think New Years Resolutions are great, a definite reason to always move forward with faith and know that we can contribute to making our lives better.

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