"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

First date of the year!

Are you one of those couples who thinks about your beginnings and giggles? If it is a fun idea to do something you did when you were dating, then do it!

Some of mine and Zach's first dates were:
* playing a basketball game, making homemade pizza and smoothies.
* dinner at Wingers'
* a Recycle Percussion concert
* studying at the library
* making art...for our gen ed. art class

If it isn't a fun idea to repeat some of your first dates. Then recreate. Do something you wish you had done.
* most guys wish they could have gone swimming...
* most girls would have loved to go dancing...
* most everybody loves a good dinner...

Have to stay home...
have dinner, dance and then have a shower...
dance, shower, have dinner...

Oh, you figure out the order! :)

These would be some sweet conversation starters...
*why did you ask me out?
*why did you say yes?
*why did you keep asking me out?
*why did you keep saying yes?
*why did you ask me to marry you?
*why did you say yes?

1 comment:

kkupfer said...

Becca it's been a while! I am glad i got to read your blog today. I have to plan the date this Saturday, i got some good ideas. I hope all is well for you!

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